Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  Checkmark Nebula  ·  HD168098  ·  HD168114  ·  HD168162  ·  HD168163  ·  HD168164  ·  HD168165  ·  HD168227  ·  HD168228  ·  HD168276  ·  HD168277  ·  HD168302  ·  HD168415  ·  HD168417  ·  HD168446  ·  HD168447  ·  HD168462  ·  HD168521  ·  HD168569  ·  HD168585  ·  HD168607  ·  HD168625  ·  HD168641  ·  HD168700  ·  HD168701  ·  HD168726  ·  HD168798  ·  HD168816  ·  HD168833  ·  HD168857  ·  And 11 more.
Omega Nebula (M17) in SHO, David Kennedy
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Omega Nebula (M17) in SHO

Omega Nebula (M17) in SHO, David Kennedy
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Omega Nebula (M17) in SHO



Acquisition details



The data was captured for the monthly imaging challenge over at Cloudy Nights. This target was pretty low on the horizon and only available for data collection at the beginning of the night. I did manage to accumulate a bit over 9 hours. 

This is the first set of data using a new Astro Physics 1600GTO-AEL that was installed in my observatory. All the data was collected unguided.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Omega Nebula (M17) in SHO, David Kennedy